Section Activities Grants Program Design


The purpose of the Section Activity Grants program is to assist Section members in funding projects in support of Section Mission. These projects must be clearly tied to one or more of the Rocky Mountain Section Mission Goals and the project director must be a member of MAA. Grants will not exceed $750 per project. Matching funds from host institution are preferred, but not required. To apply for a Section Activity Grant, submit the following to the Section Secretary/Treasurer:

  1. Description of project (no more than one page);

  2. Statement of how project supports Mission Goals (no more than one page);

  3. Estimated budget;

  4. Description of matching funds available, if any;

  5. Vitae of project director(s).

If funded, a report on the project will be filed by the Project Director upon completion (no more than one page) and a report will be made at the next meeting of the Section. Complete details on the selection process and application guidelines are posted on the section website. Grants will be reviewed once a year. All application materials are due November 1st of each year.

Selection Process

  1. Applications will be solicited and reviewed once a year.
    (Applications are due November 1st of each year.)

  2. Each application will be reviewed by two (non-officer) members of the Section.

  3. Based on reviewer's reports, Executive Committee will award grants.

  4. The Section Chair-Elect or Past-Chair, and the MAA National Representative will form a Section Grants Activities Committee to facilitate the selection and review process. This committee will also be responsible for overseeing the raising of monies to support the Section Activities Grants.

Application Process

  1. Project director must be a member of MAA.

  2. Grants will not exceed $750 per project
    (Matching funds from host institution preferred, but not required.)

  3. Project must be clearly tied to one or more of the Rocky Mountain Section Mission Goals

  4. Application materials will include the following materials:

    1. Description of project (no more than one page)

    2. Statement of how project supports Mission Goals (no more than one page)

    3. Estimated budget

    4. Description of additional funds available, if any

    5. Vitae of project director(s)

  5. If funded, a report on the project will be filed by the Project Director upon completion (no more than one page) and a report will be made at the next meeting of the Section.

Funding Mechanism Proposal

Goal: To raise and maintain a Section Grants Fund to support as many as six $500 annual awards.
Eventual Annual Funds Required: $3000 plus costs
Possible Sources of Funds:

  1. Supplementary Dues designated specifically for the support of Section Activities Grants program.
    Dues would be collected by the section on a voluntary basis.

  2. Corporate Contributions to be phased in once the fund has been set up.

approved 4/22/95, revised 8/24/10