Section News and Updates
2025 Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
We are excited to announce that the 2025 Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PPRUMC) will be hosted by Pikes Peak State College! The conference will take place on Saturday March 1, 2025 from 9:30-4:30.
The abstract submission deadline is Friday, February 14th and the registration deadline is Friday, February 21st . More information is available at the conference website.
Section member Selected for 2024 Henry L. Alder Award
Congratulations to Shelby Stanhope, from the United States Air Force Academy, who is one of the people selected for the 2024 Henry L. Alder Award. This prestigious award recognizes Dr. Stanhope’s extraordinary success in teaching undergraduate mathematics and her impact beyond her own classes.
2024 Teaching Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca (Becky) Swanson, winner of the 2024 Burton W. Jones Distinguished Teaching Award, and Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Arnold, winner of the 2024 Early Career Teaching Award.
Vice-Chair election results, and a look ahead
Voting results are in for the section’s most recent election — please join the Nominating Committee in congratulating our new Vice-Chair, Brittni Lorton (Community College of Denver).
We further wish to thank our outgoing Vice-Chair, Carol Kuper (Morgan Community College), for her service on the Executive Committee over the past two years.
Other changes on the Executive Committee this year include the start of Beth Burroughs (Montana State University) two-year term as Section Chair, with Gulden Karakok (UNC) stepping into the position of Past-Chair.
Vice Chairperson Election Update
The Section Nominating Committee is pleased to report that Brittni Lorton (Community College of Denver) has accepted a nomination for the position of Section Vice Chair.
Additional nominations for this vital leadership position will be accepted from the floor of the Annual Section Business Meeting at Colorado College on Saturday April 20, 8–8:50 am. Nominations can also be sent in advance of that meeting to Mike Jacobson. Self-nominations are encouraged. All elected officers must be members of the MAA.
Spring Section Meeting Fundraiser: Book Inventory Clearance Sale
Participants at the 2024 Spring Section Meeting at Colorado College will once more have an opportunity to support the section while enlarging their library of AMS and MAA Press books. Be sure to bring your checkbook or some extra cash, and get ready to shop!
Section Meeting Discount on MAA and AMS Books available March 1–July 1, 2024
Recognizing the high quality of the mathematics titles and textbooks developed and edited by the Mathematical Association of America, MAA Press books are now published and distributed as an imprint of the AMS Book Program.
Through this arrangement, all meeting participants can save 25% off of the list price for select titles from both the MAA Press and AMS book collections, with MAA and AMS members saving even more (up to 45%) on those same titles.
21st Annual Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
The 21st Annual Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PPRUMC) will take place on Saturday March 2, 2024 at the United States Air Force Academy. Students throughout the Pikes Peak region and beyond are strongly encouraged to present in the areas of mathematics, mathematics education and the history of mathematics. Presentation topics could include the results of classroom or independent study, as well as REU or other research projects. Both research and expository topics are welcome.
2023 Teaching Awards
We congratulate Dr. Mike Siddoway (Colorado College) and Shelby Stanhope (US Air Force Academy) as the recipients of the section’s 2023 teaching awards. Mike is the 30th recipient of the Burton W. Jones Distinguished Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Shelby is the 7th recipient of RMS Early Career Teaching Award. Mike and Shelby will be the section’s nominees for MAA’s national Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award and Henry Adler Award, respectively. More information about these awards, the nomination process, and their past recipients can be at
Congratulations to our two newest officers!
Voting results are in for the section’s most recent elections – and the winners are Beth Burroughs (Montana State University), who will serve as Section Chairperson-Elect this coming year before moving into the Section Chairperson position next April, and Becky Swanson (Colorado School of Mines), who will serve as Section Secretary/Treasurer for a three-year term through April 2026.
Anne Dougherty (CU Boulder) will also join the Section Executive Committee on July 1, for a three-year term as our new Section Representative to MAA Congress through June 2026.
Update: Candidate statements for Chairperson-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer elections now available
Candidate statements and biographical information for the following section election candidates are now available.
Nominations for both positions will continue to be accepted between now and the section’s Annual Business Meeting, to be held on April 22 at the 2023 Section Meeting.
Update: Anne Dougherty to serve as next RMS Representation on National Congress
Since the recent election for Section Representative on National Congress, its previously announced winner, Tracii Friedman, has accepted a position that will require her to move outside the Rocky Mountain Section. Given this, Tracii is no longer eligible to serve as our next representative.
Following consultation with national, the Section Executive Committee has determined that Anne Dougherty is now the duly elected National Congress Representative for Rocky Mountain Section for the period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026. Congratulations, Anne!
Section Meeting Discount on MAA and AMS Books available March 15–May 12, 2023
Recognizing the high quality of the mathematics titles and textbooks developed and edited by the Mathematical Association of America, MAA Press books are now published and distributed as an imprint of the AMS Book Program.
Spring Section Meeting Fundraiser: Book Inventory Clearance Sale and Silent AuctioN
Participants at the 2023 Spring Section Meeting will have two new opportunities to support the section while enlarging their library of AMS and MAA Press books. Be sure to bring your check book or some extra cash, and get ready to shop!
Chairperson-Elect and Secretary\Treasurer Election Update
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce nominations have been received for these two positions. Additional nominations can be made until the Annual Business Meeting in April.
National Congress Election Results
Congratulations to Tracii Friedman on her election as our section representative to MAA’s National Congress for the period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026.
20th Annual Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Math Conference
The 20th Annual Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PPRUMC) will take place on Saturday March 18, 2023 at University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Students throughout the Pikes Peak region and beyond are strongly encouraged to present in the areas of mathematics, mathematics education and the history of mathematics. Presentation topics could include the results of classroom or independent study, as well as REU or other research projects. Both research and expository topics are welcome.
Candidates for Section Representative to MAA Congress Announced
The Section Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the nominees for this year’s election of our next Section Representative to MAA Congress:
• Anne Dougherty, University of Colorado Boulder
• Tracii Friedman, Colorado Mesa University.
Additional Call for Nominations: Chairperson-elect and Secretary/Treasurer
Two more important section leadership positions are coming up for election this year–and the best person to fill these offices might just be you! Voting for Chairperson-Elect and Secretary\Treasurer will be held electronically, following the Section Business Meeting at Black Hills State University (April 21-22), but nominations are being accepted now!
2022 Section Teaching Awards
Congratulations to Bob Cohen (Western Colorado University) and Michael Mikucki (Colorado School of Mines), this year’s recipients of the section’s teaching awards! Bob is the 29th recipient of the Burton W. Jones Distinguished Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Michael is the 6th recipient of RMS Early Career Teaching Award and the second person from Mines to receive that award.
Section Newsletters
Submit news for our section
Let us know what’s going on in your institution or state and we will let all of our Section members know.